Gambrel Sheds Built Anywhere in the U.P.
With a stylish roof line seen in many Dutch and Georgian style homes, the Gambrel shed provides all kinds of head room and plenty of room to build a loft for storing items that you don’t use very often. With a Gambrel roof line, you’ll be able to utilize every bit of space overhead, leaving plenty of room for the items you use most. All Gambrel style sheds feature full attic storage space and a pull down attic staircase. The most popular size is 12′ x 16′.
Features of a Gambrel Shed
Premium UP Sheds offers a variety of sizes and low-cost delivery U.P. wide, but every Grambrel Premium builds includes the following features or options:
- Maximum use of overhead space
- Full attic storage space with pull down staircase
- Long Lasting LP SmartSide and trims
- Built for harsh U.P. Winters
Why Choose Us
We Get it Right for Your Needs
Premium Sheds specializes in getting you the right size shed in the right location.
Premium Builds Year Round
With year round on-site custom building, you are sure to get the shed that fits all of your needs.
We know the Upper Peninsula
We know the Upper Peninsula and it’s harsh winters. We build to project your items from the heavy snows and icy storms.
All Builds are Versatile
Premium Sheds are perfect for your storage needs at home, camp, or at your business.
Standard Feature For an 8' Gambrel Shed: 6'x7' garage door
Standard Feature For an 10' Gambrel Shed: 8'x7' garage door
Standard Feature For an 12' Gambrel Shed: 6'x7' garage door
Customize Your Shed
This customer is enjoying a big 10’x20′ Gambrel with 8′ walls, attic storage, attic staircase, and rear window. If these sizes don’t meet your needs, Premium UP Sheds will build to your specifications. Remember to verify your local zoning laws first.
Premium also provides free site inspection! Nate will come look at your proposed site BEFORE delivery or on-site build, to assure that there are no unwanted surprises!

Get Your Free Site Inspection!
Plan your project with Premium Sheds.